Friday, September 28, 2007

Where did yesterday go?

Today the only class we had was the leadership course....but it was a 4.5hr megasession. Many hate this class and write the professor off as a bit of a lightweight. I like the course, and for the professor, well he does a good enough job. He isn't there to teach us leadership per se....but rather there to facilitate discussion and let us decide for ourselves how we will shape ourselves as leaders.

Topic of the day was feedback. In the end, we spend 1.5hrs with our 5 ppl groups giving each member 2 positive and 2 negative feedback points. For most groups, this was very valuable. It is true, this may be the toughest assignment we have this period. Many are not used to or comfortable giving or receiving negative comments. Some people were surprised to hear others perceptions of themselves, I wasn't really. Some of the points for me... I take the lead and encourage all members of the team to contribute, I could do a better job of teaching the topics I'm strong in to the other members, I should be careful to not brush off others opinions when I already have my mind made up.

One thing I didn't hear but I know to be true is that I'm struggling with time management. There is soooo much going on and the days are rolling off before I even realize they began. Wow, tomorrow is Friday already....professors are talking about final papers and exams.....there are 3 company presentations every day from last month until I don't know when....there are parties and other socializing opportunities every evening...there are classes, cases, and group work....I have a partner who deserves so much attention but I can barely keep my head straight. Taking a step back....10% of the program is over; am I closer to realizing the goals I had before coming here? Am I just getting swept away in the current and not taking time to regroup and reprioritize?

This is a really trying time...I need to take a moment to breathe and reset my sights on what is important to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd be surprised to hear anyone claiming to not feel a tad overwhelmed.

In these trying times, just keep Mr. Miyagi's wise words of wisdom in mind,

"Wax on, wax off."