Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome Week

Wow, what a week. It is Saturday evening and the general consensus among me and my fellow students is relief that tonight we can sleep for as long as we want. But definitly not until after tonights week closing party in a nearby chateau sponsored by Bain! Here's a recap of my week.

1 house dinner
1 house party
1 group project (we took ~3 hrs to prepare, range from what I've heard is 2hr - 9hr...)
1 class presentation given
1 full day of outward bound (my group is so laid back, similar expectations, a bit supprised by lack of difficulties interpersonally but we'll have to see how we feel in a few months)
2 full days of lectures
1 language exam
2 student clubs booths visited
2 cases read
1 case not read
5hrs sleep per night avg
50-75 people met

I'm leaving out a lot, especailly the painful admin stuff. But it has been a great week. Tiring mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can see lots of people who are putting on acts, trying to invent their new image that starts at INSEAD. But lots and lots of genuine and very interesting people as well.

Well, I'm not proud, but that's all the time I could scrap together for my first weeks blog entry. But guess thats life now, time is my rarest comodity! I must do a better of time mgmt in the next few weeks.


Anonymous said...

What better time to reinvent oneself than a year abroad, especially for those looking for a career change?

I see where you're coming from, but don't agree that the underlying motivation for reinvention is necessarily drive by a "I Want To Be Paris Hilton" mentality.

When's the first big house party?

Le blog hog said...

Definitly agree that we should all be working towards improving ourselves and starting the MBA is a good opportunity to take some key steps toward this...

Big party...that depends on the definition of big. We've already had one by some definitions....and then there is the huge P1 P4 integration party this weekend!

Unknown said...

Nice diplomatic answer. What's your take on classes so far?

Re: big party, I meant a proper house party at your place, like the big houses are apt to do, complete with too much booze and embarrassing pictures on Facebook.